Thursday, December 22, 2005

Day 35 – the PED is mightier!

Day 35 –

Aiy, it has been a long week since my mouse last hit this journal, but real life issues took priority…hopes others understand that some things are more important than fun and games. But, I’m back and so are my adventures! Let’s continue…

Ah, the life of a trader. Long and boring, if you don’t know what you’re doing. This was me for a bit. Wanted to be a crafter, but I had squat for any resources, so I hit the auctions for some deals. Got good deal on a lot of lysterium ingots, but that was about it. Almost got a bunch of oil but some sneaky foe bid higher at the last second before I could re-bid. Garr… I was mad! I still got a good deal from another bid but it was a tad more. Then I flipped though my bp’s to see what I could make. I wanted to make either armor or weapons, but all I had for resources I could only do basic filters with the oil and lysterium ingots. Oh well, what is a poor calpysoian suppose to do? So I bought the equipment book and set off to the local container to make some filters and start off my crafting carrier! Hoping for some nice returns, I ran straight for it, then faced the area full of construction machines. Armor, weapons, tailoring, tools…but no equipment machines! What the heck (though I was thinking something else at the time)? I went to all the machines and tired to put my bp in the little window but to no avail! Aiy, had equipment been some cruel trick played on me, or was it just this place? I quickly TP’d to twin peaks and hadeshelm, but nothing with my crafting. Aiy…my crafting carrier came to an abrupt end before it began…disappointed I was! It was the first occupation I wanted to be when I first joined, but iron is difficult to buy for in small quantities and even harder to mine, so armor and weapons are not in my budget. I got the gas and ingots, so I’ll keep them for now should I find a sweet deal…only need about 20 or so. I like the unrefined since they’re cheaper. Must be relentless in my pursuit!

All for now

Odd ‘sir odd’ bunny

My morning exercise and my reason for doing so right behind me…and yes, I didn’t make it

Friday, December 16, 2005

Day 27 - the day of red

Day 27-

I was tired of waiting around and sweating my buns off (no pun) for 1.4-1.5 so there was a group at camp phoinx that were going hunting and I decided to tag along for the ride with my beloved combat enblade-1. Team crash we were, consisted of me, crash, sox, spud and concelme (forgive for mispelling his name!) . Anyway we headed east toword scilly. When we headed that direction the radar indicated at least a dozen feffords, conciodes and few others in that direction, all tightly bunched. Crash shot one, then it would take the beastie out of the bunch and into the open. His mistake! We cornored that poor mob and finished him off. Thus, we repeated until the whole radar was dry of red dots. The loot was spread evenly, so we each had about 5 pretty ped worth of loot in our invitory. Kept blasting, slashing, whatever we were doing, sox and spud got wacked by a fefford i belive, but our brave comrades's ghost made it to scilly. We met up short time later, lost spud, then kept moving south east. Didn't know what was in store for us, for i hadn't been down that path before. Went in a flying formation, each person covering the others back with their weapon. Took out a fuxtoral, or whatever the big t-rex thing was, noting from him. Then, we had the run-in with an atrox. Took us by surpise, killed sox, had nearly the rest of us dead but with teamwork we slaughtered that little bugger till there was nothing left. Our reward:

"This creature contained no loot"

Son of a hamster!

Took few minutes while we fap'd ourselves and get sox back. Went hunting for a little bit more, but then the atrox mature came. I was slicing, crash and sox were firing with thier Jesters and other weapons, but crash and sox gave up thier ghost and I was the lone ranger in the group..just me and the atrox. I swoung my sword with all my might, had him down to about 25% health, but then BAM! My bloody sword gave out! So., what does one do with an atrox staring at it with no usalbe weapon! Run like hell! But the MA gods would not have it, I became the third meal of the day. There, i ended my journy and hartheavly pushed esc.

Odd 'sir odd' Bunny

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Day 26 - Things look up...maybe

Day 26-

Things have been slightly more normal than usual...must investagate.

Hung out at Twin Peaks most of the time. Just looking for good deals mostly. I figure if I can't make a pretty PEC hunting, might as well make it trading. Buy low, sell high echo the words of my late econimics teacher. Man that guy was cool...he actually made class fun. Survival of the strongest companies...if you have to drink and drive, drink robert's dariy %2 low fat milk...never have a fight unless i'm there to ref...ok, so he taught us moslty non-econ stuff, but he was still cool.

Anyway, back to sir odd...lagg kills at twin peaks, why i hung out there i don't know, probably the big crowd around the octagon. Went to the big container thing with all the manufatureing machines and auctioneer and whatnot to check out the status of my scanner...still no bids. Bah. Maybe tommorow. I like browsing through the last calls part so I can qucik grab something I like and jip somebody of thier fap-5 at the last second. Evil yes, but back to ecomincs, 'greed is good'. In my case, it was even better.

Went to the estates section...just curoisity more than anything, really. Browsed though the pages of apartments and whatnot...landed on the 29th page and bam! Apartment going for 5 PED. Dam! How that slip through? So you bet i bet 6 PED on it! Yeah i sold some of my stuff but its worth it to me...So as of a few minutes ago i was aimmed to be the proud owner of Aprt 19 C @ TI (darn, should've kept my mouth shut. Now everyone who reads this will bet on it). Just try to keep your bets off for the next 5 days...

If I get some more PED wheter from hunting or whatnot, I do plan on buying a place to house my head under sometime and enjoy it. Actually, I was thinking of a 'The Apprentice' type dealie. Get 2 teams of newbies or otherwise, pay a 5 PED entry fee, then they could face off each week in some task to test their skills. One team would triump over the other, which would get some kind of prize, while the losing team would kick off the weakest player. Thus, widdling down to two, have some big task, then the winner would get like a really awsome full armor set or likewise. Or run the shop. Or get his/her own place.

Well, 'nuff for now. Gotta go back to twin peaks to see if my buddy came yet.

Odd 'Sir Odd' Bunny

..btw, if you hear somebody else posting my idea on any PE related forum, tell me so i can politely kick thier butt ;)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Day 25

Day 25-

I love my PED’s. Unfortunately, the most I’ve ever had was six. They say you should try something new everyday. Today, I tried my hand into money making.

After days and hours of sweating up a storm and whacking more mobs, I was weighted down with bunch of hides and junk. While they were useless to me, I figured I would use them later, thus making my way to the local storage unit. Haven’t really visited one since my first few days. All I had in there were a bunch of bp’s and some paint. Emptied my junk in there, and then made way to Jason center, my personal hangout spot for getting good deals.

I really needed some PEDs because my newbie jumpsuit just doesn’t meet my taste. So I went to the auctioneer to see what deals were out in the world. This is where I got most of my starter equipment since the deals were good (for my price range…who knew a combat enblade-A could be bought at 2 PED? Sure it was broke but I could fix it). Anyway, back to the story. Looking through of the items for faps and ores. Looked through the scanner sections. Someone was selling a lifescanner for 2500 PED! HA! ‘Bout fell off my chair laughing. Even I knew that it was a rip-off. The TT values were only about 45 PED. If the seller thinks he’s getting a good deal out of it, he’ll be disappointed when he gets it back negative 1 PED.

I made sure I wasn’t going to do the same thing. Earlier I had bought an Investafoe thinking it’d be awesome to target stuff, but it wasn’t living up to the hype. So I decided to take a risk and put it on the market. I put the item up, and then it asked if I wanted a buyout. Hmm…how does one dictate such a price? So I played around with the options for a bit, and then settled to start things off with 3 PEDs and a buyout of 9. Yes, I regret setting the bar that high…should have set it lower, more like 5 or 6. Now if someone bids on it they have to wait till Saturday when the time runs out. But, if someone actually bid the buyout price…that would be nice. Then I can finally afford the full set of settler armor at the TT. No more orange jumpsuit for me! I know, it sounds sad to most, but I don’t spend without a good reason. Met dirk_digger in game, first EP forum poster I’ve seen in game. Hope to meet dino or NEVERDIE or somebody else later.
Needless to say, I have a rough road ahead of me. With no way to deposit to the game, my avatar has nothing but his mostly broken sword, some sweat ability left and his wits…may the MA gods take pity on him.

Until next time…

Odd ‘Sir Odd’ Bunny

…BTW, if you wish to own a little piece of me, check with any auctioneer and under the list of scanners. If you see an Investafoe E100, that’s probably mine. It’s even still working, unlike the rest of my equipment L . Place your bets, it’s gone Saturday if not bought out beforehand.

*Also* Anyone can post now! Many apologies for the mess-up!

Monday, December 12, 2005

Day 23-

Aiy! My soc of 'Miricle workers' didn't meet requirements and disbanded! Oh well, i suspected it wouldn't. Now i get my 'freelancer' status back! w00t! Nothing screams more 'noobie' than that.

Finally took my first steps on TI. Usually my comp crashes whenever i TP there but my computer decided to behave for awhile when i aimed my trusty BFH (big friken hammer) at the screen. But was for deathfier. Was really wishing to meet him. :( Also missed my first mining lesson. First off because my comp crashed evey few minutes and nobody told me where genisis star tower D was! ooo...that hammer was really looking good at the time.

Did my usual 10 runs to the rig...made it to center twice but found no rig...probably died with it right behind me. Swear i'm cursed. Went back to town above pvp3 to patrol the parameter and slice any miners coming out and try to loot 'em but those winged dragons are a pain...can't seem them till it's too late...

Went to camp phoinx to end my viritual day...went to sweat and found bunch of people prasing and bowing down to a bush...a FRICKEN BUSH! Some crazy-arse noob told them that if they prayed to the bush it would give out dung and PEC's...OMG! There were bout dozen noobies there, kept bowing to the bush. At the time I wish we were in a pvp zone so i chop them all down to size...instead brought a frefford guardian to them and that did the job for me :) Then all was well again and I logged off.

Odd 'Sir Odd' Bunny

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Day 22-

Finally reached 80 failed attempts at the rig. I give up. Not until I can secure some armor and/or buddies to tag along will i attempt again (unless i feel lucky). Sweating seems to taugnt me everytime i do since it's pretty much all i can do. Still missing a few TP's but they are way out of the way and don't think they are that important yet. So for now...I sweat.

Made a-many kills by my combat enblade, but only 3 mob were nice enough to cough up a total of 80 PEC's. That's after i spent 3 PED repairing the sword. What a drag! Sure it was good expirence and it did change my profession, but it wasn't worth it. Saw some guy score 3 globals and 1 HOF in that time. Dang i wish i could deposit... ;(

With finals this week PE will be the last thing in my mind unfortuetly. But then i get a whole month of nothing to do...oh, wait, i DO...i would be so bored without PE. Thx Mindark!

-Odd 'Sir Odd' Bunny

Friday, December 09, 2005

Day 20-

More fun with my new toy. Actually got 2 PED from a snable. And a bunch of paint...worthless ornage, got like 50 cans now. Actually got few yellow ones, but 70% of em had nothing, while the others had measily 16-32 PEC. Not that I wouldn't take it...

OK, this is getting annoying. 50...count 'em, 50 attempts to try to get to rig. I might have seen it in the distance my 48th time, but i'm not sure what wacked me in the back...probably some sniper that was on the edge of my rader. Hope he paid for that. Also ran into a small group when i did an eariler attempt...not actual converstaion, but it went something like this...

[groupie1]: Over there
[groupie2]: what
[groupie1]: that orange pants guy to the south...
[sir odd]: Dont mind me, just passing by :) <- my first mistake
[groupie3]: Should we get him?
[sir odd]: I heard that <- second mistake...always best to keep mouth shut
[groupie2]: nah, he's noobie...
[groupie1]: I'll get him
[sir odd]: I wouldn't suggest that...i AM a noob and i'm armed, so dont waste your ammo...noob <- OH, the words that sealed my death

*sound of something flying thourgh the air and hitting my avatar's poor head

Critical hit - you take extra 120 damage!


[groupie1]: (you fill in the blank)
Anyway...I give up on rig now and back to play with my blade and snables. Say hi if you come around.

Hugs and kisses,

Day in the life of an entropian

Entry for December 09, 2005 - PE style
This is my daily (almost) journal of my day in PE. Sure, TerminalHamster is the main star and reason for blogging, but then, it's a nice way to let people know what i do as a fellow entropian colonist. Clap, laugh, scream, curse, do as you please, as this will only raise my hit counter. Perhaps Hamster idea will catch on and NEVERDIE will spare me a PED or two...(becasue i need em!)

Dec 8 - day 18

Tonight I finally got the sword of my dreams...a combat enblade-A! O0o0o0o0o0o...sweet *Imagedrools on floor* Sure most you out there weild better weapons and wondering why I go crazy for this one but I wanted since day 1. Yes, it was off the auction and had the TT value of 1 PED, but hey, something like that going for 3 PED? Heck yes! I'd repair it later so overall a nice deal on my part. Plus some snable dinner soon to come...Image
Yes, finally hit 40 death counts on my attempt to reach the mysterious oil rig. It's annoying that Hamster beat me to it. With my new blade hopfully the MA gods will take pity...and the atrox.

Got 1 new TP and two more outpost, each a little closer to the rig than the last. Thankfully i had a shield of about 3-4 other newbies all wondering in the same directions, so misfortune took them out instead of me (sorry guys). Sold my settler gloves and thigh armor for some PEDs at the TT, just in case something came up.

To finish off my rather short time on calypso, went and sweated for 100 sweat. Sell those later.

Hugs and kisses,
