Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Day 26 - Things look up...maybe

Day 26-

Things have been slightly more normal than usual...must investagate.

Hung out at Twin Peaks most of the time. Just looking for good deals mostly. I figure if I can't make a pretty PEC hunting, might as well make it trading. Buy low, sell high echo the words of my late econimics teacher. Man that guy was cool...he actually made class fun. Survival of the strongest companies...if you have to drink and drive, drink robert's dariy %2 low fat milk...never have a fight unless i'm there to ref...ok, so he taught us moslty non-econ stuff, but he was still cool.

Anyway, back to sir odd...lagg kills at twin peaks, why i hung out there i don't know, probably the big crowd around the octagon. Went to the big container thing with all the manufatureing machines and auctioneer and whatnot to check out the status of my scanner...still no bids. Bah. Maybe tommorow. I like browsing through the last calls part so I can qucik grab something I like and jip somebody of thier fap-5 at the last second. Evil yes, but back to ecomincs, 'greed is good'. In my case, it was even better.

Went to the estates section...just curoisity more than anything, really. Browsed though the pages of apartments and whatnot...landed on the 29th page and bam! Apartment going for 5 PED. Dam! How that slip through? So you bet i bet 6 PED on it! Yeah i sold some of my stuff but its worth it to me...So as of a few minutes ago i was aimmed to be the proud owner of Aprt 19 C @ TI (darn, should've kept my mouth shut. Now everyone who reads this will bet on it). Just try to keep your bets off for the next 5 days...

If I get some more PED wheter from hunting or whatnot, I do plan on buying a place to house my head under sometime and enjoy it. Actually, I was thinking of a 'The Apprentice' type dealie. Get 2 teams of newbies or otherwise, pay a 5 PED entry fee, then they could face off each week in some task to test their skills. One team would triump over the other, which would get some kind of prize, while the losing team would kick off the weakest player. Thus, widdling down to two, have some big task, then the winner would get like a really awsome full armor set or likewise. Or run the shop. Or get his/her own place.

Well, 'nuff for now. Gotta go back to twin peaks to see if my buddy came yet.

Odd 'Sir Odd' Bunny

..btw, if you hear somebody else posting my idea on any PE related forum, tell me so i can politely kick thier butt ;)


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