Friday, December 09, 2005

Day 20-

More fun with my new toy. Actually got 2 PED from a snable. And a bunch of paint...worthless ornage, got like 50 cans now. Actually got few yellow ones, but 70% of em had nothing, while the others had measily 16-32 PEC. Not that I wouldn't take it...

OK, this is getting annoying. 50...count 'em, 50 attempts to try to get to rig. I might have seen it in the distance my 48th time, but i'm not sure what wacked me in the back...probably some sniper that was on the edge of my rader. Hope he paid for that. Also ran into a small group when i did an eariler attempt...not actual converstaion, but it went something like this...

[groupie1]: Over there
[groupie2]: what
[groupie1]: that orange pants guy to the south...
[sir odd]: Dont mind me, just passing by :) <- my first mistake
[groupie3]: Should we get him?
[sir odd]: I heard that <- second mistake...always best to keep mouth shut
[groupie2]: nah, he's noobie...
[groupie1]: I'll get him
[sir odd]: I wouldn't suggest that...i AM a noob and i'm armed, so dont waste your ammo...noob <- OH, the words that sealed my death

*sound of something flying thourgh the air and hitting my avatar's poor head

Critical hit - you take extra 120 damage!


[groupie1]: (you fill in the blank)
Anyway...I give up on rig now and back to play with my blade and snables. Say hi if you come around.

Hugs and kisses,


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