Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Day 52 - Getting desperate

Ok, this is sad. I went to the place i vowed never to return to until my avatar was a bit buffer, but I returned to the place where only hundreds of thousands have ran to and diead before..the rig. Sweating is no longer an opion, so now i'm either full of hope or full of something else. Off to the rig!!

TP'd to the nyphtown, then ran down south to the outpost about 250 steps north of the pvp zone. A small group there from a soc but wasn't going to bother them since their armor and blades were supior to my own, thus i didn't risk having them hack away at me in the zone. Reached the edge of the zone! Alright, this is it. I was going to make it! ...unless the atrox wanted a flippin' meal. I hate it how there's always a thick wall of mob circling the areas of the zone where it's impossible to penetrate by oneself unless you're from ck or something. Heck, even ridding of 10% of them would increase my odds. 10 attempts later (and much cursing and yelling), went back to camp phoniox to beg newbies for me to become their mentor. Lots of them interested, but they needed more time to think about it. Come on! Either a simple 'yes' or 'no' would be suffice. If they don't like it, they can pick someone else, fine by me. Because as of this point, my hunting for even a global has become a struggle, since i've neither a global or hof under my belt. Bah! Enough ranting!

odd 'sir odd' bunny


At 7:01 AM, Blogger Daniel said...

Hi ...

I'm more or less a newbie and interesting in you becoming my mentor. However, I would like to be able to know more about you before I actually decide. It would be nice to know e.g. what sort of person you are, how you are, your personality? :D


At 8:35 PM, Blogger Oddbunny said...

well, in short, i'm a college student studying computer programming, play lots of games (more than i should :P) and always in a mood to help people. If you want to talk more i hang out at camp phoinx alot around 11:00 CMT.

At 2:12 AM, Blogger Daniel said...

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At 9:52 AM, Blogger Daniel said...

hmm... sounds interesting...

I'm a secondary school student, do some programming in C++/PHP/JavaScript, and I'm in my school's computer club :P

I'm +16 timezones (GMT+8/Singapore) from yours so meeting up on PE would be hard... It would be nice to correspond with you via email instead of via comments on your blog. Could you give me your email/MSN via PM on the EP forums? My userid there is wonglkd.


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