Day 51 - perfect solution
Little chart to solve all problems in PE. Few for real life, but first for PE. Follow it and you can't go wrong ;)
Step 1: Did you touch it? -- If yes goto step 2, if not step 9
Step 2: Don't touch it! -- Goto step 9, else goto step 3 or 4 if not solved
Step 3: Don't tell anyone -- No Problem! Done
Step 4: Did it break? -- If yes goto step 5, if not step 2
Step 5: Does anyone know? -- If yes goto step 6, if not step 9
Step 6: Will you catch heck? -- If yes goto step 7, if not step 9
Step 7: You poor newbie! -- repeat as nesseary until step 8
Step 8: Can you blame someone else for the break? -- If yes, step 9, if not, repeat step 7.
lol...maybe a bit confusing but it's a good laugh.
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